Breaking Through Branding, Strategy, and Messaging

Breaking Through Branding, Strategy, and Messaging

We believe that organizations are designed to understand and engage in conscious transformation and growth when they unlock their “Why.”

Studies suggest that brands that identify and place purpose at the core of their functional areas, branding, and storytelling outperform the stock market by 42%.

We serve small to mid-size nonprofit and for-profit organizations who are stagnant and want a fresh set of eyes that can support define or redefine their purpose and cut through the clutter through strategic, effective, and compelling messaging that highlight and elevate their unique value, increase brand awareness, engagement, and donations/revenues.

Schedule a Free 15-Minute Discovery Call

The Breaking Through Method

This holistic three-step process encompasses our branding, strategic planning, employee development, coaching, and social-emotional intelligence expertise.



In this step and through our proprietary Got Purpose Assessment Tool™, we uncover and understand the purpose of your organization, evaluate its present state, its culture, and how you communicate with clients/donors.

We identify the three most significant barriers and limitations blocking your company’s ability to sell, communicate clearly, and attain employee engagement. Here, we will also uncover your ideal, desired state, and grander vision.

Once we evaluate and discover your present and ideal states and your purpose, we move to the second step, Envision.


In this step, we work hard to develop a clear message map that begins with your “why,” then your “what,” and your “how.” This principle will allow you to cut through the clutter and communicate with confidence and compellingly to attract your clients, highlighting your uniqueness, values, and what you stand for.

We will also determine how to break through the three barriers we identified in the first step and outline them in a comprehensive action plan.

With a clear message and a laser-focused north, you will soon begin to gain momentum by trying new things, taking more risks, and positioning your “brand” to clients in a way they won’t be able to say no to you. The next step is to Execute.


In this step, we add capacity. We come alongside you to implement the action plan we developed above, so you are not within the group of businesses that fail to exist due to lack of clarity or an actionable strategic plan.

Over the years, we’ve seen that the failure to execute a plan may also come from the expectation to perfect it, the fear of making mistakes, a scarcity mindset, and the lack of training, commitment, and mentorship. We can partner with you and others in your company around the art of selling and closing.


"Clara brought a fresh, objective perspective we desperately needed. She offered a set of skills, knowledge, and expertise outside of our own that was enlightening and on point to help us significantly increase our membership rates and revenue."

Dan Ball, Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA).


"Clara Lucia strives to understand what the client wants to communicate and accomplish and adds enhances the context to ensure it is communicated culturally and linguistically appropriate. The support she offered through Breaking Through Consulting led us to look at projects not just as one-offs, but as stepping stones to expand our impact on-going."

Ceci Tipiani-Fuentes, EverThrive Illinois.

Benefits of Purposeful Branding, Strategy, and Messaging

  • &nbsp 93% of executives at purposeful companies cite the need to “embed purpose in their culture and behaviors, especially their leaders.” (EY 2017).
  • &nbsp 93% also say purpose should be “clearly embedded into their goals, strategies, and objectives.” (EY 2017).
  • &nbsp Employees who report that their job has a "special meaning: this is not 'just a job" are four times more likely to give extra, 11 times more committed to staying with their organizations, and 14 times more likely to look forward to coming to work than employees at peer companies. (Great Place to Work 2017).
  • &nbsp 92% say “it should be embedded in their governance and decision-making processes and systems.” (EY 2017).

If you’re a nonprofit or business that is ready to ignite your highest brand's potential, let’s jump on a 15-minute discovery call so we can start helping you cut through the clutter by elevating your purpose, developing clear messaging, and determining your strategic priorities.

Contact Us

We want to hear about your desire for social change.
Tell us about what’s challenging you, what’s keeping you up at night.
Let’s discover what’s possible for you and your organization.
Let’s discover your purpose, unleash your potential, and increase your impact.