Got Purpose Assessment Tool™ for Organizations

Got Purpose Assessment Tool™ for Organizations

Position Title

People (Internal and External Audiences/Stakeholders) & Principles:
When I think about our organization and its (our) PURPOSE (reason to exist), I see that everyone in the organization knows about it, relates to, and finds it as an integral part of our organization and all business areas.

People (Internal and External Audiences/Stakeholders) & Principles:
When I think about our organization and its (our) PURPOSE (reason to exist), I know other people outside the organization identify with it and are compel to give and support it.

Programming (on the ground activities, efforts and services):  
When I think about our organization and its (our) PURPOSE (reason to exist), I can say that our programs, services, and activities are designed to move forward and fulfill our purpose or reason to exist.

Partnerships & Prospects (Corporations, Business, Individuals, and Other Collaborators and Supporters):
When I think about our organization and its (our) PURPOSE (reason to exist), I can clearly articulate it when talking to someone that doesn’t know anything about it or about our organization.

Positioning & Promotions (Branding, Messaging, Mar-Comm., Digital and Fundraising):
When I think about our organization and its (our) PURPOSE (reason to exist), I think it is what makes our organization different and unique; what helps us cut through the clutter in a competitive and challenging environment.

Portfolio (Fundraising Sources):
When I think about our organization and its (our) PURPOSE (reason to exist), I am aware of its power to move people to active support it through donations of money, time, and in-kind donations or goods.

Plan (Business Strategy and Tactics):
When I think about our organization and its (our) PURPOSE (reason to exist), I know everyone in the organization feels ownership of it and clearly and understands their role, how to live it out, and activate it within and through their areas of influence.

Plan (Business Strategy and Tactics):
When I think about our organization and its (our) PURPOSE (reason to exist), I can proudly say it is at the core of all we do in the organization.

Contact Us

We want to hear about your desire for social change.
Tell us about what’s challenging you, what’s keeping you up at night.
Let’s discover what’s possible for you and your organization.
Let’s discover your purpose, unleash your potential, and increase your impact.