Indiana Health Department

The Challenges:
The Indiana Department of Health’s SNAP-Ed Leadership realized it was imperative to analyze, assess, and start activating a paradigm shift in its culture, starting with the leadership and modeling it down to all the functional business areas of the organization including its Community Wellness Coordinators employed by Purdue University and other members of the SNAP-Ed program.

The Method:
Based on findings gathered through a strategic and customized assessment process, Breaking Through Consulting developed a “hands-on” workshop experience targeting approximately 130 Community Wellness Coordinators employed by Purdue University and members of the SNAP-Ed program attending their first in-person retreat since 2018. This experience centered around purpose was the opening session of the retreat and invited participants to understand the neuroscience of purpose and how to use it as a way to reignite, re-connect, and re-commit to creating a more positive environment as opposed to the current feelings of burnout, frustration, hopelessness, and disengagement.

The Breakthrough:
Over 100 attendees who participated called this workshop "a thought-provoking, eye-opener, and inspiring experience" that educated, engaged, and empowered them to reorient to purpose as the catalyst to start creating meaning, alignment, and team cohesiveness. More than 60% of them shared they would apply the knowledge and skills learned to their job and 75% said it was a worthwhile contribution to their personal development.

Contact Us

We want to hear about your desire for social change.
Tell us about what’s challenging you, what’s keeping you up at night.
Let’s discover what’s possible for you and your organization.
Let’s discover your purpose, unleash your potential, and increase your impact.